There are many Superstitions in India About Snakes and we will talk about some of those superstitions. Although snakes are found all over the world, snakes have different importance in India.

The snake also lives in the neck of Lord Shiva and is also worshiped on Naagpanchami. We can say that snakes are an integral part of our society. This is the reason why many superstitions about snakes have also become prevalent in India.

In this article today, I will tell you which such things related to snakes are popular in India but not right. So let’s start today’s topic Superstitions in India About Snakes

1. Snakes Drink Milk

Snakes Drink Milk Superstition
There is a belief in our society that snakes drink milk. Perhaps many of you may have seen snakes drinking milk. Nag Panchami and on many occasions we feed milk to snakes, so should we assume that snakes drink milk The answer is no.

According to biology, snakes are completely carnivorous creatures. They feed their stomachs by eating frogs, mice, birds’ eggs, and other small creatures.