There are many Superstitions in India about Super Snakes and due to these superstitions, snakes have to face many problems. On one side, in a country like India where snakes are worshiped. On the other side, snakes are harassed in many ways.

Snake charmers catch snakes and make them dance, but scientists say that snakes can see moving things very easily. So the snakes wave in front of them and say that the snake is dancing.

There are many other superstitions about snakes in India. Today in this article we will talk about some Superstition in India about Super Snakes.

Desired Snake (Ichhadhari Naag) Superstition

This is a fictional ancient tale of India. Desired snakes (serpent and serpent) are creatures of divine power that can sometimes take the form of human beings.

Some films on this subject have been quite successful. The only thing that can be said about this. That these stories are quite good from a creative point of view but there is no scientific fact or truth behind them.