Spectacled Cobra :

Spectacled Cobra Scientific Name – (Naja naja) :

Everyone is afraid of this snake. I am afraid too and to eradicate this fear I tried to learn more about them and I found that as my knowledge was reading about them, my fear was also becoming less towards them.

Snake is a mysterious creature that has many aspects that make this creature different from others. Let me tell you what I learned about them.

There are more than 3500 species of snakes in the world. Snakes are reptiles that we call Reptiles in English. There are around 600 species of snakes that are poisonous. Snakes are found in almost every continent and sea of the world.

Except for the Arctic region i.e. the North Pole and Antarctic region i.e. the South Pole, snakes are found almost everywhere on the ground. Except for the Atlantic Ocean, snakes are found in almost every sea.