Black Mamba :

Black Mamba Scientific Name – ( Dendroaspis polylepis ) :

Everybody gets afraid after seeing a snake, but there is a snake whose name is enough to scare people. Black Mamba This is such a poisonous snake that if bites someone, it is impossible to escape. The black mamba is the fastest snake in the world. It can run at a speed of 20 kilometers per hour to chase its prey.

There are about 3500 species of snakes in the world, out of which only 600 species are poisonous. One of them is Black Mamba. It is one of the 5 most poisonous snakes in the world. This species is found in the jungles of Africa.

This poisonous snake is responsible for most of the deaths here. He prefers to live in dense forests with dense trees, bushes, and logs. If you are fond of playing with dangers then you can go to Sahara where Black Mamba is found in maximum number. Their number here is much higher than the rest of the species. Black Mamba is an expert at running at very high speed.