In this article, We will talk in brief about the 10 Most Beautiful Snakes in the World. 10 unique and very beautiful snakes of the world. Hello friends, Nature has created many kinds of animals, including snakes.

Snakes are found in many places around the world and most snakes are poisonous. That’s why people like to stay away from them.

But friends, in this article today, we want to introduce you to the 10 Most Beautiful Snakes in the World, which you will be shocked to see and start wondering whether snakes can be so beautiful.

But just be careful because some of them are very poisonous too. so let’s start the world’s 10 most beautiful snakes countdown.

1. Rainbow Snake

Rainbow Snake
You must have seen the rainbow in the sky at some time during the rainy days, but have you ever thought that there may be a rainbow-colored snake. Yes, it is true that it is rare but such iridescent snakes are still found in some corners of the earth. It is a very rare species.

More recently, a rainbow snake was spotted in Florida, USA, after more than 50 years. Their backs are blue and black, which keeps shimmering.

Apart from this, they also have three bright red yellow stripes on their body. Rainbow snakes are usually hundred to 140 cm long and do not contain venom at all.

It is said that these snakes are very shy. They look very attractive and like to stay hidden near the water. Now this species is on the verge of extinction. It is on number 1 in the top 10 most beautiful snakes countdown.